Data Sharing Solution

Secure & Controlled Dataset Sharing

With Data Islands, you decide what data to share, who can access it, and how it flows—without compromising security.

  • Full Control: Define shared datasets via SQL queries, selecting specific rows and columns.
  • Data Sovereignty: Keep data within your region, ensuring compliance with local regulations.
  • Secure Flow: No open network access, minimizing exposure to threats.
  • Insight & Reconciliation: Merge siloed data to identify gaps and opportunities.
  • Effortless Automation: Schedule and streamline data movement with ease.

All you need is SQL—knowing some JavaScript can be a plus!

Effortless B2B Data Sharing with Data Islands

Effortless B2B Data Sharing with Data Islands

Sharing data across divisions, apps, and external partners is often slow, complex, and insecure. Traditional solutions require costly APIs and open network access—risking exposure.

Data Islands simplifies this:

  1. Create a region (like a database).
  2. Query your local database.
  3. Push the data to Data Islands’ secure cloud.
  4. Grant access to external users.

No live database exposure. No heavy system loads. Just secure, instant data sharing with a few lines of SQL.

Seamless Data Reconciliation Across Your Business

Seamless Data Reconciliation Across Your Business

Reconciling datasets is essential for accuracy, error detection, and fraud prevention. However, traditional reporting is complex, with data scattered across silos and controlled by different stakeholders.

With Data Islands:

  • Centralize datasets in one secure location.
  • Use SQL to reconcile and validate data effortlessly.
  • Build a micro-data warehouse (Data Mart) for streamlined summary reporting.

Simplify data reconciliation and gain full visibility across your business.

Effortless Data Integration

Effortless Data Integration

Easily pull data into your CRM, BI tools, custom apps, or Excel—no complex mapping required. Simply:

  1. Write an SQL query from your data silo.
  2. Export to the Data Islands Middleware Layer.
  3. Import into your central data mart—automatically creating tables and files as needed.

No lengthy ETL planning or manual column mapping. Schedule jobs to keep data up to date without burdening your systems or network. It just works.

Seamless Data Migration

Seamless Data Migration

Switching systems? No need to start from scratch. With Data Islands, easily consolidate data from across your business for import into a new platform—or archive it for future use.

Our solution prepares your data effortlessly, ensuring a smooth transition so you can maximize the value of your software investments—fast.