17 Feb 2022-update-We have released an update to our outlook add in to help work around this issue. To apply this, download the client install from CRM, close outlook and run the install. You will be asked for your CRM path (which includes the eware.dll). Add this in, continue and then open outlook to set up your CRM connection again (same as before).

See https://accelerator.crmtogether.com/index.php?title=Install_Outlook_Client if further instruction is needed 

8 Feb 2022

Overnight it looks like the chromium runtime has been updated and this new security feature applied



This will affect anyone on a VPN or internal network which then resolves their external IP to a private IP.

This will appear in the Edge inspector as a CORS issue. For users it will be a failed logon.

The workaround is to implement a client change as per


but making sure you use the same protocol as your CRM

For example


User steps to do this are *

Then restart outlook.

Users will then have to set up their connections again.

We are working on a fix to turn off this requirement in the outlook add in.

When using the add-in through the new office 365 API you may expereince this issue also and in that scenario you cannot change the url. We are looking into how we resolve this also.

* Some users have reported this not working and the UI then not responding.

A clever fix is to open the users registry and follow these steps

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