Its been a while since we did any Open Source work. With our new Accelerator 6.0 coming out we added in image support for Company and people.


Accelerator Outlook Integration for Sage CRM showing company icon

Accelerator Outlook Integration for Sage CRM showing company icon

Sage CRM Company Icon

Sage CRM Company Icon


For company we grab the icon from the website (classically the favicon) and this just improves the experience. So we thought…heck we need that in Sage CRM. Now there was (is) a component that is available to upload person images so that was our starting point. We started working with Costi in and things evolved from just wanting company image support as he had great ideas too.


Sage CRM Company Icon

Sage CRM Company Icon


CRM Together and LeadingEdge have been working with various tools and took some inspiration from these including rendering the company/person initials rather than the same icon everytime. This was inspired by various tools including basecamp (which we use for projects) and so this meant even with no images you got a benefit.


Sage CRM Company with no icon found

Sage CRM Company showing Initials


With Company images we then realised that the favicon is not the main one supported these days and instead a tag in the page metadata can we used so we had to update things to grab that. It really took legs.

So we had to think about what to do about other entities and together we thought well whats useful for the user and not just visually appealing and I think we really landed on something special here.

The component shows the Stage and the primary company/person


Sage CRM Case showing Company Icon, Person Initials and the Stage

Sage CRM Case showing Company Icon, Person Initials and the Stage


We feel this really adds to the experience and gives a useful visual context


Sage CRM Opportunity

Sage CRM Opportunity showing Company Icon, Person Initials and the Stage


So here we are now with our first release and more importantly this is FREE and open source and our gift to the Sage CRM community. As it is open source, you or anyone can contribute. Just request access from us and you can create a branch, do and update and submit a pull request.

Also this works on 2022 R1 (and maybe earlier) and for version 2024.

So try it out if you want and let us know what you think and if you have any other ideas (one for person images without having to manually add them would be nice 🙂 )


The repository with the component and code is available at



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