We finished a nice project there a few weeks back that used my old friend ‘Email Manager’. Its one of the most under used products in the Sage CRM suite stressed guy156x178and its a great shame that no real further development has been done on it in the last 5+ years. Right now it does require that you can write script code and can be a bit of a pain to debug i must admit but sometimes its worth it.

In our project we had a requirement to allow a user to fill in an online form to register a product and receive an activation code. We had no access to the web site so the simplest solution was to get the web site developers to create the online form and when the customers submitted the form the system would send an email with the data (in XML format in the body) to an account monitored by the email manager.

From there once the email was picked up we coded the script to parse the XML and using that information create a person record in CRM (if no match was found). It then looked up a dataset to get the activation code and sent this to back to the customer. It also recorded the email that was received in (with the raw XML) and the email we sent back to  the customer.

All in all it delivered a quite elegant solution to what could have been a tricky problem considering the restrictions that we had in getting access to the web server. So next time you are stumped this might help you think about other ways to address the problems that we are presented with.



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