So we have been busy working on updates for our Microsoft Outlook Integration and MobileX App for Sage 100.

Customer feedback has been great and we are pushing to fill any gaps in the product and build in more and more value.

Most updates cross both the Microsoft Outlook Integration and MobileX App with one item only for the MobileX App.

a. Data Caching – To enhance performance, the app uses data caching, but it wasn’t always clear when cached data was being displayed. We’ve now added an icon to indicate when data is being retrieved from the cache.

Sage 100 Data Cache

b. Filters on Entity Lists – Previously, when viewing an AR customer’s orders, you couldn’t filter the list, making it difficult to locate specific orders. Now, you can filter by date and other fields, improving your user experience.

sage 100 filters

c. Items – We have 2 updates for items

  • Item Search  – Items in Sage 100 can have aliases and if a customer calls and only knows the alias you could not find the item. Now the search function will also check the alias name.
  • Item Alias Tab – we now have a new tab that displays an items aliases

Sage 100 Item Aliases

  • Item Price Lists – we now have a new tab that displays an items Price Lists including discount amounts and breaks.

Sage 100 Items Price List

d. Invoice Items – You can now view items from invoices, a feature previously only available in AR Orders. This is particularly useful if you don’t use AR Orders.

Sage 100 Invoice Item View

e. Touch points Search – You can now search for emails and notes logged during calls, making it easier to find important information.

Sage 100 Touchpoints Search

f. MobileX Email integration – We’ve added an email folder filter, making it easier to manage your emails.

Sage 100 email folders

We would love to hear any feedback/thoughts on these enhancements.

We have exciting plans for these systems as we make your ERP data available whenever and wherever you need it.


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