The primary focus on support for Sage CRM 7.3 (Outlook Integration)

In this blog we will talk about the updated benefits of working Accelerator Sage CRM Outlook Integration. In most cases, items refer to Sage CRM Outlook Integration unless otherwise stated.  Click here to watch a short video of new features.

Parsing email addresses from the body of the email

Useful where within an email originating from an internal address there are contact details for a lead. The “Parse Email” button appears on the screen.


When clicked, Accelerator will search for email addresses in the body of the communication. Where there is more than one email address found the system will prompt to select which address to use.

Navigation Enhancement

A new “Back” button is available from within the “New” entity screens


 Saving attachments

Email attachments can now be saved against the email



Holding Context

Sticky – This is a new feature. Imagine you get several emails in relating to an opportunity but none are tagged. So you select the first email and then match(or create) the opportunity. You file the email against it. Then you click the next email and the context (CRM screen) changes to the person (matching the email). You have to find the oppo again and file…this we realise is time consuming and frustrating.
With the sticky you can “sticky” the opportunity an when you change emails the context does not change and you can file (and tag) the emails very quickly. When the context has been set to be “Sticky” then a blue border is displayed around the screen.

Sticky Off

Sticky Off



Sticky On

Installation changes

-The names of the client installation files has changed
-Silent (unattended) install now possible with the client tools

In relation to upgrades a new licensing code is now in use so a new license will need to be requested. Please send on the request to your acocunt manager along with the client name and server name.
If you require us to do the upgrade there may be a charge for the time. Please check with your account manager.

Full details on the release are available on the online help at

Don’t forget that our Customer365 Portal is available to log onto and from there you can see renewal dates, log issues and access marketing materials


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