Fix for this…..


It is possible to fix the path issue with Crystal Manager by installing the latest SAP runtime as the bug is in that.

This is a link to the latest SAP Crystal reports runtime. This is needed now to prevent .Net updates from breaking the system paths and this is only needed until the next release out and we ship the updated runtime with it.

Download the link below, unblock the zip file and extract the contents and run on your CRM server.



There is a windows server update that is affecting some Crystal Manager installations.

Basically the issue is that the Crystal runtime changes the location that it looks for the Crystal js files.

The issue will show as

bobj is undefined

and if you run Fiddler or some HTTP sniffer tool you will see the issue as some 404 errors

To resolve this open IIS ‘aspnet_client\system_web’ folder and create a folder with the .net version you now have (you may need to check the version)

To find .NET Framework versions by viewing the registry (.NET Framework 1-4) On the Start menu, choose Run. In the Open box, enter regedit.exe. You must have administrative credentials to run regedit.exe. In the Registry Editor, open the following subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP.


Then copy the crystalreportsviewers13 folder into this new folder

That’s it!

*if you still get 404 you may need to create the ‘aspnet_client’ as an IIS application.

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